Tuesday Tip 13- A in B.E.A.R. Sales Sequences

If you're building the positive beliefs about sales, you're starting to look for ways to put those beliefs into practice by actually doing sales like a good human. What does that look like? In this episode, I share the actual steps I teach my clients. Not only do I teach these steps, I have been using them myself for over 25 years of selling. As you get busy, you'll see how important it is to keep your beliefs in focus every step of the way.

Mentioned in this episode:
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Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight

Catherine Brown

It is my passion to train others how to refine their sales processes, find new clients and close more business with dignity and confidence.


Liz Heiman- Beliefs in Selling


Drew Bird- Emotional Intelligence