Tuesday Tip 10- A in B.E.A.R- Action

We've made it to the A in B.E.A.R.! The A is for Action which is what a lot of salespeople really want to know about. We sometimes believe that if someone just tells us their steps and exactly what to say, we'll be successful. In this episode, you'll learn there's a little more to it than that and you'll be inspired to take action for yourself.

Need a reminder of where we've been? Here are the B.E.A.R. episode numbers. Scroll back and find the ones you've missed or refresh your memory:

12 Tuesday Tips 5- The B in B.E.A.R.
14 Tuesday Tips 6- B in B.E.A.R. pt 2- Deservingness
16 Tuesday Tip 7- E in B.E.A.R.- Notice and Name
18 Tuesday Tip 8- E in BEAR- Priming
20 Tuesday Tips 9 E in B.E.A.R.- Emotions

Mentioned in this episode: Support@extraboldsales.com

Read the transcript

Music composed and arranged by Luke Brown. Find him on TikTok @lukasaftermidnight

Catherine Brown

It is my passion to train others how to refine their sales processes, find new clients and close more business with dignity and confidence.


Bonus Episode- How Kevin Freidberg Gets a High Conversion Rate


Kevin Freidberg- Lead Generation and Qualifying